There are a lot things that can go wrong when you're working in an active roadway. Damage to the seal is the biggest one. There are also many other things that might look like an issue but are not. Please make sure to check out the "common concerns" and "common misconceptions" sections and see if your concern is there. If not, please let us know so we can address it by sending us an email through the form below.
The idea behind pavement preservation is to protect the roads that are in good shape so they don't get into bad shape. It saves tax money in the immediate and over time and allows roads that have been sitting in poor condition to be addressed the way they need to be. Over time, it allows the whole network to be improved without requiring additional tax money. See some dramatic real-world comparisons here.
If there is something about the project or how we've gone about that you think could be better, we want to know. Mistakes do happen and we do work hard to correct them. If you haven't reviewed the material on this site, doing so may make it easier for you to let us know what's going on. If you have reviewed the material and still have concerns, please email us using the form below and we will get right back to you.
Comments? Questions or concerns that you couldn't find the answer to on the website? Please let us know using the form below.
Slurry Pavers, Inc. 3617 Nine Mile Road, Richmond, VA 23223
Main Office: (804) 264-0707 Resident Inquiries: (804) 716-7860
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